Graduation Caps and Gowns, Choir Robes, Academic Regalia, Judicial Robes, and more.
Cap and Gown
We’re the best Graduation cap and gown manufacturer in the United States. Focusing on every commencement ceremony aspect. Robes, honor stoles and college stoles. We have tassels, graduation gowns, caps and mortarboards. Hoods and tams. Academic also supplies the industry-best middle school cap and gown sets! Wholesale prices for bulk purchases available.
Academic Regalia
Over 70 years of the best Academic Regalia. Including: graduate gown, tam (tams in 4/6/8 sides), and hood with appropriate hood colors. Serving PhD, Doctoral, Master’s, and Bachelor’s graduates. Choose from inexpensive Verona brand of student regalia cap and gown. longer-lasting Professional faculty regalia and graduate gowns are also available.
Honor Cords, College Stoles
With a variety of honor cord colors, we’ve got the honor cords (AKA honor chords or honors chords) for you. Great honors products for honor societies. College stole selection (or church stoles.) Silk-screened or embroidered with honor society symbols! Academic Apparel covers every grade for students and faculty. From middle school to high school. Collegiate college university bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees.
Choir Robes
Choir robes, church robes, and choral accessories. Large stole supply. Choral Directors to Presidents, Minister of Music, or member of a committee. Academic Apparel choir gowns fit your needs. Specializing in choral gowns and church gowns since 1946. Also providing costumes and uniforms for studios. Research the History of Choir Robes. You can request a catalog by phone at (800) 626-5000 x0, or by email at Also view or download a free PDF of our entire Choir Catalog by clicking on the link below:
Judicial Robes, (Judge)
Judicial robes for all judges: federal or state, ALJ, and commissioner. The finest judicial robes, and accessories for judge robes. Judge robe styles tailored to gender or unisex. Customize your judicial gown to include such things as eyeglass pockets. We’ve been supplying judge robes for over 60 years!
Caps, Mortarboards, Tams
Academic offers the finest selection of graduation accessories. Tams, caps, and mortarboards in a variety of fabrics and quality levels. Tams come in four, six, or eight sides. We also offer a large number of tassel colors, with year-date tassel drops. Find a multi-colored tassels to match your school colors. Gold bullion tassels for use with your tam.
Academic Choir Apparel was founded on the production and sale of church gowns and accessories. Our selection of stoles has only grown over the years. Choose from an an excellent array of choral stoles. You can even highlight it with embroidery in a standard design. Create your own unique organizational or church symbol.
Class Rings
Academic manufactures and sells class rings through a separate web site. We sell high school class rings, corporate rings, sports rings, and organization rings. A class ring is a perfect highlight to celebrate and represent the conclusion of your school career. Purchased along with your graduation gowns. Choose from any of our side designs, stones, metals, finishes, engravings, and styles.
Index to our website:
Graduation Products:
Choir Products:
Judicial Products:
TOLL FREE (800) 626-5000
Local (818) 886-8697
Fax (818) 886-8743
Academic Apparel
8944 Mason St.
Chatsworth, CA 91311
ACADEMIC was established in 1946 (starting as a judge robe manufacturer), and remains with the same family, dedicated to the best customer service in the industry.