Hood Diagram, Shapes, Colors, and Styles
Academic Hoods are available in two brands: Professional (Faculty or Administrator), and Verona (Student or temporary use). They are also available in four styles: Associate Cowl (for Associate Degrees for AA degree), Bachelors Hood, Masters Hood, and Doctoral Hood. All styles are available for both brands, except the Associates Cowl, which is only available in the Professional brand of academic regalia hoods.
All hoods are appropriate for graduation and commencement ceremonies.
Despite the fact that hood shapes vary depending on the degree they represent, our prices are the same for all ranks of degree. In other words, a Faculty Hood for a Master's Degree costs the same as a Faculty PhD hood.
Prices for all hoods are listed under Regalia Prices in the left-hand menu.
Academic Regalia Hood Diagram
When ordering a bachelor's, master's, or doctor's hood, you will need to know what colors you want for each of these four areas:
1. Fabric Color: The standard fabric is black.
2. Velvet Color: Based on degree and discipline.
3. Field Color: 1st school color, in the large area.
4. Chevron Color: 2nd school color, in the center area. Your school may have from zero to three chevrons.
Associate (AA) Degree Cowls require only a chevron and field color, and come only in Velveteen fabric.
Hood Shapes and
In determining what
you need, you first need to know a bit about choosing colors and hood
Your hood velvet
color is the color of your discipline (for example, Purple is the color
of the Law discipline). The inside of the hood includes a field color, and may contain
one or more chevrons, all of which represent your school colors. You can look up your discipline colors and obtain further information on the lining colors and shape on the Academic Hood Color List. Usually
your student store or book store will be able provide details on the field
and chevron color(s).
The overall shape
and size of the hood indicates whether the degree is a masters or doctoral
degree (or equivalent degree). For a history of the Academic Hood, please be sure to check out our Cap and Gown History section in the left hand menu.
Hood Styles

Professional / Faculty Hood: Made to the general guidelines of the " Academic Costume Code", our professional / faculty hoods feature genuine velvet for your degree color, starlight satin for your school colors (field and chevron), and a seville or islander fabric shell (depending on the fabric of your gown, if you order your gown from us). Made to last, these academic hoods include a button and cord with loop to affix to your shirt, and two rear buttons with a cord and loop for securing the hood to itself once it is over your head.
These hoods cost $86.25 for a single hood, and quantity discounts apply for two or more to reduce that price.

Verona Student Hood: Made from a more basic design, these hoods use velveteen for the degree color, our Keeper polyester fabric for the school colors, and our Verona black or royal blue fabric for the shell (depending on the color of your gown). While these hoods are not as durable as professional hoods, they will last several years and provide a good looking hood for use in commencement ceremonies until you can upgrade to the professional style.
Verona hoods are priced at $52.89, and quantity discounts and package deals can reduce that price significantly.

Associate Cowl: These cowls are intended for the Associate Degree (such as Associate of Arts, "AA"), and typically worn at a community college commencement ceremony. The field and chevron representing your college colors are made from Grosgrain polyester ribbon (three strips).
These Associate Degree Cowls start at $28.75, and quantity discounts apply for orders of two or more.

All of our Hood Styles are available for purchase online. You will need to determine your school colors before ordering.
While we would like to be able to offer the additional service of looking up your school colors for you, there is no standardized and unified published listing available of all current school colors. There is no good substitute for contacting your school directly and asking them what colors they are currently using for your robe.
Colleges can, and sometimes do, change their colors on a yearly basis (and even the color of the robe itself). We ask that you attempt to determine the colors on your own. Part of the reason our prices are so much lower than the prices offered by your University and our competitors is that our customers do some of the footwork in discovering school colors for that year for their robe.
If you are interested in this topic, you can read more about the history and development of the Academic Hood in our Academic Hood Development page.